MKLC Training Logo
  • 10/10 – How easy was your enrolment process?
  • 8/10 – How would you rate the accessibility and ease of use of our Moodle site?
  • 8/10 – How would you rate your tutor support?
  • 8/10 – Overall, how satisfied were you with the quality of the service we provided?
  • 8/10 – How likely is it that you would recommend us to a friend or colleague?

06 Feb 23

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Hello Jordan
Well done on achieving your certificate. We understand you would have preferred the same assessor throughout but you had completed the first knowledge unit with your original tutor before she finished working with us. Unfortunately the replacement assessor allocated to you had to go on long-term leave but she had not actually started working with you on the practical units. Your second assessor took you through both practical units and guided you on the evidence required. Our IQA system ensures there is consistency so we are happy that any of the assessors we have would have made the same judgements and decisions.
Best wishes

Judith McKeon –